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Product details
File Size: 510 KB
Print Length: 180 pages
Publisher: Basic Books; 1st edition (August 4, 2008)
Publication Date: August 4, 2008
Sold by: Hachette Book Group
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#724,494 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I actually first bought and read this book eight years ago and really liked it. I thought it was very technical, but not too technical for a lay audience and did a good job of explaining the "superpowers" a cell must acquire to become cancerous. Then I lent it to one of I my high school biology students who developed an interest in cancer reasearch after I presented a unit on cancer. She also enjoyed the book, though admitted it was a hard read fo her. However, she went on to major in molecular biology at UCLA and did undergrad reasearch on cancer and is now pursuing a PhD in immunology at UCSF and I think this book helped motivate all that. I bought a second copy of this book recently for my dad, who was diagnosed with cancer and trying to learn more about it. He said the book was too difficult for him to follow so maybe best for a lay audience with a solid biology foundation as a good primer for understand cancer. My dad did take biology in college but that was 50 years ago! The field has advanced greatly since then while his memory has not. But for anyone with a good science foundation, this book is manageable and extremely interesting.
I just have finished the book which I bought 3 years ago but then did not read it as the book is hard for me to handle with only a left hand. But after my wife 4 weeks ago were stated having cancer I read it in the past week.Among other reasons I also bought the book because I in many privies read books had seen references to Robert A. Weinberg.The book is good in telling the history concerning solving most of the problems about how the cells groves and increases, and especially why cancer don't stop living, having no finishing age. It's a clear and detailed writing, even though it was a little bit heavy for me as many years have passed since I was in school concerning biology. And I can se that much new knowing has come since then back in the 1960es. But as we in the book go through what's going on in the cells I must say that it's much like thinking concerning programming software for the Pc.And on side 115 is mentioned an interested discovery in 1972 by Jams Watson, who I only remember for the discovery of DNA in 1953.Weinberg finish the book by writing that in the future the successors will look back on these discoveries in the last quarter of the twentieth century as a historical curiosity, but that's only the same which again and again has happened concerning other researches in science. That's nearly always first going to one side and then to the other, and disbelieving what researchers discover to early the others to believe.
This book is best read by those who remember some of their basic biology but this is not strictly required to benefit from the book. The author uses engaging prose to keep the subject interesting and is able to provide simplified, yet compelling, explanations of a complex topic. Highly recommended for anyone who want some insight into cancer and cell biology,
I picked up this book browsing around on my Kindle. Boy what a book! This is one of the most interesting books that I've read. The writing style is active and immediate, fast paced, even exciting as the next link in the chain is discovered. Starting from back in the 1900s Weinberg goes up through the history of conjectures to validated genetic science exploring how the various cancers genetic underpinnings advance the disease. An excellent review is written by Rhoads check this one out first. This book is copyright 1998 so is probably "dated" however Weinberg has another book on "the biology of Cancer" dated 2006 which is probably really good too although I haven't read it but it is $100. Being enthused by Weinberg's writing about this subject I've just downloaded "The Emperor of All Maladies" Copyright 2010 on my Kindle to perhaps learn a little more about this fascinating but tragic subject.A strong message in the book is avoidance is better than cure so DON'T SMOKE!!!! If you do, GIVE IT UP QUICKLY!!!
A close relative of mine is a cancer survivor, and the shadow of this horrific disease has become a new member in our family. Weinberg's book is a quick and very well written primer for the layman on cancer and the history of oncological research. Not only does it contain up to date information about the latest genetic discoveries in the field, but it also presents them in a didatic and lighthearted style only an insider could offer. Reading this book, I felt like having a glimpse of the kind of books that will be written abou cancer in (hopefully) 20 years: books in which all the mechanisms leading to tumor formation will be laid bare for the student, and effective therapies will be available for all kinds of cancer, with minor burden of side effects. Books in which all the suffering caused by cancer nowadays will be as part of medical history as polio is. I felt enpowered by this book and actually enjoyed reading it (the account of how a virus can cause cancer by stealing proto oncogenes from normal cells is fascinating). The only reason I have not given 5 stars is some difficulty in the last chapters due to the complicated naming conventions of genes, but I guess this is a fault of the unfinished status of genetic oncology and my ignorance. If cancer or the history of medical research in general interests you, I strongly recommend this book.
This is a very interesting book about the bio mechanics of cancerous tumorsand possible ways of fighting them, written in a very playful and interesting language.I recommend it to anyone who wishes to understand why do humans develop cancer?Why does it seam to be more prominent these days than in the past, what exactlyhappens in the cell level when it decides to run amok? and finally what should one doto limit the risk of getting cancer.On the down side, I think the book is a bit outdated and can use a new addition.In some places it predicts scientific events which already happened. I also feel thatthere are a bit too many Genes names for the casual reader to stomach.
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